Tag Archives: poems

The Script

I am acting the part
As stated in life’s script
I’m acting my part
Smiling and keeping on
So the others
Can act their parts
Of lingering not and moving on

I drop my part
And shelf the mask
When I’m alone
I drop my part
And hang the armour
When the honest me
Takes over the weary me

Then, I drop the act
And hopefully pray
That I don’t loose myself
In between the parts

The Grinning Ghost

It’s there
and then it’s not
teasing and taunting
not a soothe of hand
can succor bring
it lands hard on emptiness

The mouth without caution
can chew
when the rotten tooth is pulled
ne’er with a hacked limb
pulling and tugging
fluttering and trembling
itching and twitching
you can’t touch
you can’t scratch
save a pat on the stump
like an itch on a crotch

Never sleeps; never dies
not a rest ; nor an ease
for the tormentor,
or the tormented
till the rest goes to rest.

Pray, leave
go torture the physician
who hacked you off,
quit appearing and disappearing
like an advert on tv.

Not my desire that you die first
tis the cruel fate life dealt me
since you can stay not,
quit lingering; stay on the other side
and rest awhile
for this body, craves
a little rest.


They know to appreciate cold
who have had to endure
the pleasantness of heat.

They know to savour moments of joy
who have had to wine
with pain and sorrow.

They know to embrace true love
who have had their hearts
punctured by poisonous darts.

They know to treasure friendship
who have had to share a bed
with loneliness and unkindness.

They know to seek peace in solitude
who have had their minds
infected by betrayal and prejudice.

They know to appreciate life
who have had to fight for it
with all they had .

Nothing Left


Nothing left in my heart
Save the pounding
That I cannot drown
In the deep of the night

Nothing left on my lips
Save the humming of the whips
As they collide with my skin
Singing of their stings

Nothing left to remember
Save the stench of the others
Clinging to your skin
As you whirl by

Nothing left in my heart
Save the promise of forever
Victim of still birth
Smothered by treachery

Nothing left on my mind
Save the forgotten songs
Of the ties that bind
Awaiting next ill-fated pair

Nothing left of our love
Save the closed void
Where you once lived
Scarred by voidness

Nothing left of our passion
Save the hollow ache
Of unfulfilled longing
Fading with time

Nothing left in my heart
Save the stillness of the flutters
And the echoes
Of your departing feet

(Thanks to K. O J for the picture)

Stronger Than Ever

I spiralled downward
onto the debris
that was my life
broken and scarred
to the marrow
still I rise
from their ashes
stronger than ever

Plagued with nameless dread
drenched in sweat
pounding heart and jittery limbs
terrified terror
clouding my days;
darkening my path
still I break free
from their grips
stronger than ever




            Fluttering and billowing
                   in the breeze,
                   a bevy of lilies;
                     awaiting ~
                  beauty’s sting.